Any new software product must pass all necessary tests and must meet certain requirements before entering the market. In this article, we will tell you that mobile apps need to comply with some rules and factors to keep their security at a high level.
Requirements to create a mobile app
Regardless of the platform and country of production, apps have several rules for operation:
- downloading, updating and deleting utility from smartphone should be understandable to anyone;
- such a programme should give the consumer everything he or she requests;
- app must have many functions and be accessible to a wide range of people;
- should be easy access to search and download of apps;
- the program should have a label on the phone in such a colour gamut that will meet the platform standards;
- apps should be scalable, adaptive, convenient and should be stable.
These standards are fundamental to the creation of mobile programs and applications. All developers follow these rules regardless of the State in which the production takes place. Now, we will discuss some features of such programs.
General features of mobile app
So we describe some features that any mobile apps have:
- multifunctionality means that the program must perform all the functions that were stated by its devs;
- performance means the amount of information that the app processes in one unit of time;
- compatibility means that the program must not conflict with other software products on the user’s smartphone;
- comfortable use means that the program should be accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their level of training;
- reliability means that the app performs its functions for a certain period of time qualitatively;
- security refers to the extent to which internal information and user data are protected from intruders;
- portability means how simple and efficient it is for the user to switch programs from one net to another.

Additional requirements for the software product
Next, we describe the functional requirements to the mobile app:
- simple navigation means that a person must understand where he is and where he can go at the next moment;
- the home page should give direct access to those features of the program that are used frequently;
- in the software product, there must be such a section as «help»;
- in the program, the section «about the application» should be;
- such programs should be convenient for use by people with disabilities, as well as it should change the size and font of the text, show subtitles and even have the ability of voice controlling.
Main requirements to security
Besides, there are some requirements to the security level of such tools:
- creators of applications must provide storage, recording, storage, and extraction of data using the current database, which is located in the state in which these devs operate when they collect people’s personal data;
- app should have a privacy policy, and devs should cover it completely or specify a link to it;
- the software product should ensure the safe storage of information and its transmission using the latest encryption methods;
- users of the program should be able to easily delete their personal information from it at the time they want it;
- if a program collects data about the user’s location, the whole system must warn him or her of this and request consent;
- the program should be invulnerable before attacks of malicious software products;
- the app must obey the laws of the country in which it was developed.
Now you know what there are requirements for all mobile apps before they come to the market.